Dbx 20 Series Guida Utente

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Error Code
16 Error Code
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 61 62


Pagina 1 - 16 Error Code

Error Code16 Error Code

Pagina 2 - 16.1 Error Coding Rules

Error Code65016DBX 03 243The machine has an invalid IP address and is in APIPA modeCAUSE : The mailing sys-tem did not received an IP addressSOLUTIO

Pagina 3

Error Code65116DBX 03 246Proxy server is not availableSwitch OFF and ON CAUSE 1: The settings of PROXY are not correct.SOLUTION : Verify the setti

Pagina 4

Error Code65216DBX 03 255No carrier detected on the LAN socketCAUSE 1: The LAN cable is disconnectedSOLUTION : Verify, reconnect or change the LAN c

Pagina 5

Error Code65316DBX 06 033Supervisor tries to cre-ate a third level of sub-groups. Groups aren't available on IS-420/440 two levels on IS-460/480C

Pagina 6

Error Code65416DBX 06 044The Supervisor tries to change the accounting mode but there is already default account with the same name so the system can&

Pagina 7

Error Code65516DBX 06 080 the operator / user PIN code is incorrect.To clear this message:1. Check the operator PIN code and verify it is correct. (S

Pagina 8 - 16.2 Error Code List

Error Code65616DBX 06 091 The user tries to use an operator account with no active accountoccurs when the ope-rator tries to login but does not have a

Pagina 9

Error Code65716DBX 06 094Delete not authorize. This is the last account/department. If customer want to do not use account any-more, only change accou

Pagina 10 - Error Code

Error Code65816DBX 06 102 Base is currently initia-lizing the connection with neopost MAS. Doing so, it is not authorized to process login requestTo a

Pagina 11

Error Code65916DBX 08 013Software can't load PPI selected by imprint memory. It may be deleted or unavai-lable.Check the imprint memory parameter

Pagina 12

Error Code64216Error Coding RulesError Code3 parameters: MMM-FF-NNN Decoding error code16.1 Error Coding RulesIdentifier Style CommentA Module 3 cha

Pagina 13

Error Code66016DBX 11 057This mailing machine is not authorize to con-nect to Neopost MAS softwareAdvise customer to con-tact Neopost MAS software Sup

Pagina 14

Error Code66116DBX 11 069The operator exists but has no associated department. He can not log on the FM.In MAS software, associate at least one accoun

Pagina 15

Error Code66216DBX 13 058Communication link with PSD is lostPower off and on the sys-tem1 Power off and on the system2 Test the system with Service PS

Pagina 16

Error Code66316DBX 14 052 The most likely cause for a DBX-14-052 "Weight Too Heavy For Current Rate" message is that a package has been plac

Pagina 17

Error Code66416DBX 18 000Geodesic code ente-red is not correct.Refer to user guide for valid geodesic codesEnter all digits of geodesic code, even lea

Pagina 18

Error Code66516DBX 19 004 HELPDESK Mandatory steps:1 Check table stability: Ask the customer if thetable is stable or not. If not ask him to replacet

Pagina 19

Error Code66616DBX 19 006 HELPDESK 1 Perform a WP reset: Ask customer to Takeout any possible load on the WP. Then askhim to press sleep button and wa

Pagina 20

Error Code66716DBX 19 008Wrong weighing plat-formThis weighing plat-form is not linked with this baseFor a swap the feature must be activated for new

Pagina 21

Error Code66816DBX 19 009 ON SITE continuedCause 3: Base software not up-to-date..Solution 3: Update the IM / IS base software to the latest ver-sion

Pagina 22

Error Code66916DBX 21 006There is an error in speedway messages sequence during prin-tingDBX 21 008Mail jam issue Check the paper path in all the syst

Pagina 23

Error Code64316Decoding “module identifier” - MMMDecoding “function identifier” - FFPermit to classify a problem by “function”Used only during an expe

Pagina 24

Error Code67016DBX 21 017Top doc sensor out of order. It may means that gap between two envelopes is too smallAsk customer to change selection setting

Pagina 25

Error Code67116DBX 23 034There is an invalid date in the headset, either a corruption or cheated headsetChange cartridge Change cartridge Send back de

Pagina 26

Error Code67216DBX 23 038 HELPDESK — To clear the error message dothe following:1 Unplug the power cord, wait ten seconds,then plug back in.2 Make su

Pagina 27

Error Code67316DBX 23 044There is too many nozzles with open-cir-cuitAsk customer to unplug and fit again the cartridgeClean golden con-tacts, check p

Pagina 28

Error Code67416DBX 25 004MMI file on the sys-tem in not compatible with the rest of the base softwarePush software from OLS Upgrade the base software

Pagina 29

Error Code67516DBX 32 005The base didn't receive the width sta-tus from the dynamic scaleAsk customer to check dynamic scale wiringCheck inserter

Pagina 30

Error Code67616DBX 32 019Frankit message: (GER) JOB number is incorrect, the number must be 14 numbers and the 2 last ones are checksumCheck if possib

Pagina 31

Error Code67716DBX 36 004The system don't see the USB modem to use to connect serverAsk customer to check that USB modem well plugged1 Check the

Pagina 32

Error Code67816DBX 36 025 Bad login or password Cause: the PIN code you have entered is incorrect. Solution: •Check the funds PIN code you are enteri

Pagina 33

Error Code67916DBX 36 037Device not authorized on this phone numberCheck server phone number: Press 13 on nume-ric keypad enter Supervisor pin code an

Pagina 34

Error Code6441614 Rate calculator15 Report manager17 Self-tests18 Scale connection19 WP connection20 USB Communication21 Print Supervisor22 SYSTEM23 S

Pagina 35

Error Code68016DBX 36 070 Bad login or password Cause: the PIN code you have entered is incorrect. Solution: •Check the funds PIN code you are enteri

Pagina 36

Error Code68116DBX 39 005The customer try to use a name already used as PPI nameUse a different nameDBX 39 006A PPI have ready the same hash code.Chec

Pagina 37

Error Code68216DBX 47 000Proxy authentication failure (login and/or password not ok)CAUSE 1 : The settings of PROXY are not cor-rectSOLUTION : Ver

Pagina 38

Error Code68316DPA 01 018Maximum number of imprints for PSD is reachedChange PSDDPA 01 026Postage value is too high or too lowChange rate or serviceDP

Pagina 39

Error Code68416DPA 03 023 PSD status is lockedRoot causes can be: • Stamp key expired• PSD run out of memory (several millions offranking). For these

Pagina 40

Error Code68516DPA 34 003The meter is faulted Swap PSDDPA 35 000technical error DPA 35 002There are two root causes for this message. First one the m

Pagina 41

Error Code68616DPA 69 000The download is impossible, may be the file on the USB memory is corrupted or the key have been disconnected during transferC

Pagina 42

Error Code68716DRA 00 022The meter has been disabled in TMS/EPOC postal serverContact Opco Back OfficeDRA 00 023Indicates meter not checked into the p

Pagina 43

Error Code68816DRA 04 001Carrier Id sent by device is not suppor-tedContact OLS back office Fix bug in device or ser-verDRA 04 002Part number sent by

Pagina 44

Error Code68916DRA 04 022 The PSD (Meter) is disabled by either Coll-ections or Meter Com-pliance. The PSD has been locked due to lack meter rental pa

Pagina 45

Error Code64516DOA Function 01 OSIRISDPA Function 01 Accounting Registers02 Calendar Management03 Printing Management04 TimeKeeper Management05 Manufa

Pagina 46

Error Code69016DWA 01 001the "dynamic scale oversize"sensor is masked at the power on Ask customer to Take out any on the oversize sensor (l

Pagina 47

Error Code69116DWA 02 002The Dynamic scale analog / digital conver-ter detects an error during the initialization 1 Ask the customer to power Off, the

Pagina 48

Error Code69216DWA 05 000No status change of the dynamic scale motor encoder (inter-nal sensor)1 Take out envelopes in the machine if any - 2 power O

Pagina 49

Error Code69316DWA 01 007the "dynamic scale oversize"sensor is masked during weig-hing phaseAsk customer to try with change on selection on

Pagina 50

Error Code69416DWA 02 003in service mode: during calibration the Dynamic scale detects a wrong weight1 there is a default in the weighing platform,

Pagina 51

Error Code69516DWA 07 000The dynamic scale software is most pro-bably corrupted (detected at start up)1 Operate a dynamic scale software Download (an

Pagina 52

Error Code69616DWA 01 009 the "dynamic scale entry" sensor is activa-ted when the batch starts1 Take out the envelopePess on OK key to clear

Pagina 53

Error Code69716DWA 02 007the weight on the Dynamic scale is too light: less than 3gr or 0,1oz1 Take out the envelope and press the OK key to clear t

Pagina 54

Error Code69816DWA 11 002there is an envelope jammed in the dyna-mic scale area: entry sensor 1 Take out the envelope that is on the Dynamic scale2 Cl

Pagina 55

Error Code69916SLC 203 HELPDESK This SLC203 error message can be ignored - there is no problem with the base, meter or Online Services.To clear the S

Pagina 56

Error Code6461638 Services39 Set Data Server41 Format Authenticated Registers46 Cryptokey manager49 IO_drivers53 Config Builder54 Postal Data57 Varian

Pagina 57

Error Code70016

Pagina 58

701IndexGGEO Code 598

Pagina 59


Pagina 60

Error Code64716Decoding “error number identifier” - NNNPermit to have many error in the same “function”.DSA Function 01 SpineURIValidatorDWA Function

Pagina 61 - GEO Code 598

Error Code64816Error Code List16.2 Error Code ListCode Description Helpdesk On siteDBX 02 037 The base serial num-ber entered is not compatible with t

Pagina 62 - 01/07/2010

Error Code64916DBX 03 242No carrier detected on the LAN socketCAUSE 1 : The LAN cable is disconnected. SOLUTION : Verify, reconnect or change the

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